To engage in professional leadership and mentoring effectively, both mentors and mentees need to have: a clear vision and purpose, a shared understanding of roles and expectations, a trusting and respectful climate, effective communication skills, adequate time and resources, and ongoing support and guidance. Mentors and mentees also need to be: open to learning fromRead More…
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Professional Leadership and Mentoring: How to Support and Inspire Other Early Childhood Educators
Professional leadership and mentoring can have many benefits for both mentors and mentees, as well as for children, families, and communities. Professional leadership is the ability to influence and guide others in your field or organization, based on your knowledge, skills, and experience. It involves: setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, managing change and communicatingRead More…
Pedagogical Leadership and Professional Learning Communities: A Powerful Combination for Early Childhood Educators
Pedagogical leadership frames educators’ understanding, interpretation and passion as the key lever for continuous improvement in early childhood educational settings. Seen through a pedagogical lens, this approach views leadership as something separate from formal authority or qualifications. Pedagogical Leadership involves: creating and sustaining a shared vision, fostering a culture of inquiry and reflection, collaborating withRead More…
How to Promote a Positive and Supportive Work Environment for Early Childhood Educators
A positive and supportive work environment is essential for early childhood educators, as it can enhance their wellbeing, motivation, performance and promote retention. A positive and supportive work environment is one that is safe, healthy, respectful, collaborative and conducive to professional growth (ILO, 2014). Such an environment can also benefit the children and families thatRead More…
The Role of Pedagogical Leadership in Supporting Children’s Learning and Development
Pedagogical leadership is a form of leadership that focuses on the quality of teaching and learning in early childhood education (ECE). Pedagogical leadership views leadership as something separate from formal authority or qualifications, seeing educators’ understanding, interpretation and passion as the key lever for continuous improvement in ECE. Pedagogical leadership involves creating and sustaining aRead More…