My maternal grandmother, Sophie, constantly reminds me to find her lost parents. Whenever I am in danger of giving up, I sense her presence tugging on my sleeve, checking in over my shoulder, prodding me to keep searching. The last time I saw Sophie was in a dream. It was one of those dreams thatRead More…
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The Whole is Something Other Than A Collection of Parts
Unless you have been hibernating on a remote islet, off-grid and digitally disconnected from social media platforms, you will know there is a global sense of general discontent with our democratically elected leaders across the socio-economic spectrum i.e. public, business, political, international, national, local; as well as a growing contempt and intolerance for diversity andRead More…
6 Ways to Improve Self-Confidence for Personal and Professional Success : Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers and Leaders
Congratulations! You have just been offered that new job or leadership role; or you are about start your own business or launch a new product or service. You are feeling good about yourself (and rightfully so). You are super excited and motivated to get stuck in and get started. Your mind is racing with creativeRead More…
The Discipline of Time
Whenever time seems to simultaneously go fast and go slow; when events that occurred twenty years ago feel as though they happened last week, while events that happened last week seem a lifetime ago; I think this may be what time travel feels like. “Life goes by in the blink of an eye” was aRead More…
New Year, New Goals, New Habits
The new year has well and truly arrived, following the end of a particularly eventful year. Now is the perfect time to choose a few well-considered goals that will move you towards success for the new year ahead. While goal setting makes our intentions explicit, it is only the beginning of the work that willRead More…