Fostering a culture of inquiry and reflection in early childhood settings is a key goal for teachers and leaders. Inquiry and reflection are essential skills for early childhood educators, as they help teachers to: understand children’s learning and development, plan meaningful and responsive curriculum, and improve their own practice. A culture of inquiry and reflectiveRead More…
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Coincidence, Synchronicity and Serendipity: How to Recognize and Respond to the Universe’s Messages
I am curious about the occurrence of coincidences, and wonder what this phenomenon might be telling us, if anything at all. Does the Universe give us ‘signs’, similar to directional traffic signs which tell us when to stop, go, proceed with caution, slow down, enter at your own risk, danger ahead and so on. IfRead More…
How to Live Like a Stoic : The Path to Authentic Happiness
When I was very young, I read these words by D.H. Lawrence and wrote them into my poetry journal : The optimist builds himself safe inside a cell And paints the inside walls sky-blue And blocks up the door And says he is in Heaven. At the time, I experienced a sense of disquiet inRead More…
Leading or Following? Learning The Dance of Communication
As we return to the start of a brand-new year, with new goals, new habits and new rules, there is the familiar sensation of déjà vu. Some of us have been here before, year after year, firing on all cylinders in January, spluttering by February and dead in the water by March – new goals,Read More…
Bouncing Back : How To Nurture Resiliency Across The Lifespan
Resilience is not simply the ability to survive a difficult experience or a set of circumstances, instead it is an ability to adapt and cope with circumstances in a way that enables a person to emerge stronger, to thrive in the aftermath, and to integrate the lessons learned. Resiliency, the ability to bounce back fromRead More…