A positive and supportive work environment is essential for early childhood educators, as it can enhance their wellbeing, motivation, performance and promote retention. A positive and supportive work environment is one that is safe, healthy, respectful, collaborative and conducive to professional growth (ILO, 2014). Such an environment can also benefit the children and families thatRead More…
The Role of Pedagogical Leadership in Supporting Children’s Learning and Development
Pedagogical leadership is a form of leadership that focuses on the quality of teaching and learning in early childhood education (ECE). Pedagogical leadership views leadership as something separate from formal authority or qualifications, seeing educators’ understanding, interpretation and passion as the key lever for continuous improvement in ECE. Pedagogical leadership involves creating and sustaining aRead More…
The Benefits of Professional Leadership for Your Personal and Professional Growth
What is professional leadership? Professional leadership is the ability to influence and guide others in your field or organization based on your knowledge, skills and experience. It involves setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, managing change, and communicating effectively. Professional leadership can be learned and improved through self-awareness, feedback, reflection and practice. Jennifer Herrity, aRead More…
The Benefits of Personal Leadership for Your Wellbeing and Happiness
What is personal leadership, I hear you ask? Personal leadership is the ability to lead oneself towards a desired vision or goal. It involves intrapersonal intelligences such as: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and self-development. Personal leadership can have significant benefits for wellbeing and happiness, as it can help a person to achieve: personal and professional successRead More…
Teacher Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance: How to Manage Your Time and Priorities as an Early Childhood Educator
Teacher wellbeing is the state of feeling good and functioning well as an educator. It involves physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of wellbeing. Teacher wellbeing is important not only for teachers themselves, but also for the quality of education they provide and the outcomes of their students. However, teacher wellbeing can be challenged byRead More…