A line in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin reads: “The heaviest anguish often precedes a return tide of joy and courage.” This quote reminded me that when experiencing difficult or challenging times, it is easy to forget the adage that this too shall pass, and when it inevitably does pass, there willRead More…
5 Chairs, 5 Choices : How to respond when triggered (A Powerful Tool for Leadership & Mentoring)
You alone are responsible for leading your thoughts, words, decisions, behaviours, emotions, habits, direction in life. In turn, what you do and say, and how you choose to behave, has an impact on others around you. Being a leader in this sense, is about making a contribution on a conscious level to the success andRead More…
Wisdom Is The Difference
There is a Buddhist proverb that says “In each loss, there is a gain. As in every gain, there is a loss. And in each ending, there is a new beginning”. The pandemic is teaching us many things about loss, from the loss of life and livelihoods to the loss of freedoms we previously tookRead More…
Africanize : A Journey of Identity
To my 6-year-old self from a peer in the playground: “You have eyes like a frog.” Is it because my eyes are too bulgy? Is it because they are too big? I squint my eyelids to a halfway closed position in the hope that my eyes appear smaller. “Mom, do I look like aRead More…
Hope Lives On The Horizon
In my early teens, I started writing out other people’s poems in longhand in a scrapbook. I would select images from old magazines, cut them out and paste them alongside the poems. After filling up a few scrapbooks, it wasn’t long before I was writing my own poetry. To be honest, my skill as aRead More…